Wednesday 15 June 2011

Facebook Connect - Post to wall feed

After using Facebook Connect for a while, you can soon find out how shoddy the documentation is. There seem to be about 5000 half-written API's, most out of date and even the Facebook API documentation is barely holding itself together.

Anyway, here's a small JS snippet on how to post to a user's wall. The user must first allow the application pushing rights, or an error will occur.

I have already written a great blog entry on getting started with Facebook Connect, check it out here!

- Check out the above link if you have no idea how to get started!
- Allow pushing rights (publish_stream)
- Ensure your already dealing with an authentication session (I have added the code to ensure you already have a valid session in the code below)

Javascript Code
FB.getLoginStatus(function (response) {
    if (response.session) {
        var params = {};
        params['message'] = 'This is the main message';
        params['name'] = 'This is the name of the link';
        params['description'] = 'This is the link description';
        params['link'] = '';
        params['picture'] = ''; // 90x90 px
        params['caption'] = 'Small caption appearing under the link';
        FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', params, function (response) {
            if (!response || response.error) {
                // Error occured posting to the fb wall
    } else {
        // User isn't authenticated with facebook

This will produce the following result...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Can you plz Elaborate More

your reply will be highly appreciated in this regards

Unknown said...

Can you plz Elaborate More

your reply will be highly appreciated in this regards

Unknown said...
