Technical blog discussing various programming languages, frameworks and paradigms. Code snippets and projects are also provided.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
"The path is not of a legal form."
"One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes."
The the problem is that the form's designer is trying to locate one of the types referenced by your form and is unable.
This means that your project probably wasn't built since the reference was added or that the project file has somehow been changed.
If building the solution doesn't work, try going over the references in the project and looking at where their locations are and verifying that they all actually exist.
UML relationships

Stop Postback in .NET
btnViewParts.Attributes.Add("OnClick","ViewParts(); return false;");
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Oracle | SQL Server | More Information |
%TYPE data type | No equivalent | The %TYPE data type of Oracle, lets you create a variable and have that variable's data type be defined by a table or view column or a PL/SQL package variable. |
BEFORE triggers | INSTEAD OF triggers | Use INSTEAD OF trigger in SQL Server as an equivalent to Oracle's BEFORE trigger. |
DECODE() function | CASE expression | DECODE can be conveniently simulated using the T-SQL CASE expression. Here's an example: |
DESCRIBE | sp_help or sp_columns | There are a lot of alternatives for Oracle's DESCRIBE, in SQL Server. You could use the system stored procedure sp_help for detailed information about a table's columns and other properties. |
DUAL table | No equivalent | There is no DUAL table in SQL Server. In fact, you don't need one in SQL Server, as you can have a SELECT statement without a FROM clause. |
INTERSECT operator | Not supported | Use EXISTS clause to generate the same result. |
MINUS operator | Not supported | Use NOT EXISTS clause in your SELECT statement to generate the same result. |
Nested tables | Not supported | Oracle 8i and prior versions didn't support this feature and is introduced in Oracle 9i. This feature basically enables you to store a table, within a column. It is like having an array of records in your database columns. |
Oracle | SQL Server | :-) |
Packages | Not supported | No equivalent in SQL Server for Oracle's Packages and Package variables concept |
PL/SQL | T-SQL | Every database product implements and extends the standard SQL. Oracle's implementation of SQL is called PL/SQL, while Microsoft's is called T-SQL (Transact-SQL) |
Row level security | No equivalent | Though there is no inbuilt support in SQL Server for row level permissions, you can implement it using view and system functions. |
rownum pseudo column | No equivalent | Though there is no rownum or rowid in SQL Server, there are several ways in which a row number can be generated. |
SELECT...FOR UPDATE | UPDLOCK hint | Use the locking hint UPDLOCK in your SELECT statement. |
Sequences | IDENTITY | It is much simpler in SQL Server to generate a sequence value for a primary key or a non-key column. |
SQL *Plus | Query Analyzer | For connecting to SQL Server and executing queries and modifying data, use the built-in Query Analyzer. It is much more powerful and friendlier than Oracle's SQL *Plus |
START WITH...CONNECT BY clause | No equivalent | Though there's no direct equivalent in T-SQL for Oracle's START WITH...CONNECT BY, there are several ways and efficient techniques for processing and querying hierarcical data. |
Synonym | Views | You can simulate Oracle Synonyms in SQL Server using Views. For example, the following creates a view that returns the OrderID and OrderDate from Orders table. |
Monday, 24 August 2009
Frame Locations...
These refer to the global object of current web page.
Refers to the window object of the page that is holding the current page in a frameset.
Refers to the window object of the page at the top of the frames hierarchy.
Refers to a frame or iframe held by the current page.